

(Click Here for a PDF Version)


The JBL will follow NJSIAA High School rules for both BOYS & GIRLS, unless noted below.

All Grades/Levels will play 4 - 8-minute quarter games with normal stop clock


Time Outs - Three 60-second and Two 30-second timeouts per game


BASKETBALL SIZING - All game balls must be leather or synthetic leather.

Girls All Divisions and Boys 4th Grade – 6th Grade (28.5)              

Boys ALL 7th & 8th Grade Divisions use standard NJSIAA regulation ball (29.5)


Exceptions to NJSIAA Rules

4th Grade, all levels, 5th Grade Girls, all levels, & 5th Grade Boys Silver & Bronze Divisions - No Zone Defenses: Full Game:

(Please see No Zone Defense under the Rules/Policies tab, for the full version)

Teams also cannot blatantly double team and trap the ball.  If players help & they are temporally in a double team, they must play one man only as soon as possible. Players can help and recover from the weak side; however, coaches must avoid always keeping their better/bigger defensive players in the lane. No player can have more than 1 foot in the paint if the player they are guarding is outside the lane.

The defense does not have to extend beyond the arc at any time, except for the defensive player covering the offensive player with the ball.

Players can help but must recover to their man. Full court zone traps will be allowed during the pressing portion of the game but must return to man in the offensive front court.

Please remember this is player development

The objective of this is to give the young player opportunities to learn man to man defense, the basis for all other defenses. 

It also helps negate size issues and opens the game up to all players. “Packing in the paint” teaches nothing.

1st Offense - Coach warning.

2nd Offense - Technical foul if coach is not reacting. No Technicals will be issued due to a “novice player” not knowing what to do.

(Only for the first two weeks of the season, thereafter, Technical will be issued.)


3-point shots in the 4th grade divisions are allowed.



4th ALL Divisions Boys & Girls – there is No violation if they step over the line on free throws. They must start behind the line.

*It is a violation if the free throw shooter steps over the line and gets a rebound on the missed free throw unless the ball is first touched by another player.

5th, 6th, 7th & 8th ALL Divisions Boys & Girls – It is a Violation if they step over the line on a free throw.

Exception - *5th grade girls - feet can go over the line as long as its not an intentional jump to gain distance or advantage.



4th Grade - ALL Divisions Boys & Girls can only press in the last 2 minutes of the 4th Quarter.

Full court zone traps will be allowed during the pressing portion of the game but must return to man in the offensive front court

5th Grade - Gold Division Boys & Girls can only press in the 4th Quarter.

                  Silver & Bronze Divisions Boys & Girls can only press in the last 4 minutes of the 4th Quarter.

Full court zone traps will be allowed during the pressing portion of the game but must return to man in the offensive front court

6th Grade - Gold Division Boys & Girls can only press in the 2nd Half.

                  Silver & Bronze Divisions Boys & Girls can only press in the 4th quarter.

7th Grade - Gold Division Boys & Girls are allowed to press the entire game.

                  Silver & Bronze Divisions Boys & Girls can only press in the 2nd Half.

8th Grade - All Divisions Boys & Girls are allowed to press the entire game.


Illegal Backcourt Defense & Sportsmanship Rules

  • In no press situations, any foul in the backcourt will be deemed an intention foul, giving the opponent 2 foul shots and possession of the ball after. The head coach will also receive a warning.
  • Teams can be assessed a technical foul if players are continually defended in the backcourt.
  • Defenses can only pick up their man, after they cross mid-court completely.  The defense cannot stand at the division line prevent them access to the front court. The ball & the ball handler must have front court status before they can be defended.
  • *No pressing or trapping by a team if they are leading by 20 or more points OR If they are down by 20 EXCEPT PLAYOFFS
  • *No fast breaking by a team if they are leading by 20 or more points – It will be a violation & that team will lose possession at the spot where they started the fast break. EXCEPT PLAYOFFS
  • Running Clock Provision - If a team is down by 20 or more points at the start of the 4th quarter, the clock will run, with the exception of time outs and foul shots. If the difference drops below 20 pts, we will return to stop clock rules.



It is recommended that all 4th - 5th grade teams have a min of 10 players on their roster.

However, games will be played in which one or both teams have less than 10 players.

Team with 8 or less players: must sub evenly throughout the first 3 quarters. No player can play 3 straight half quarters. Teams will need to sub at 2 min intervals in the half quarter, in some scenarios, to create even playing time.

Free sub in 4th quarter

Team with 10 players: Free Substitution entire game, but everyone needs to play 8 minutes in the game


*Both teams have less than 10. Each team must sub evenly in the 1st half only. 2nd half is free sub


** One team has 9 players and the other 10. – Normal 1st half substitution rules apply.


Someone may ask can we sub for foul trouble, that is negated in an 8 player and under situation.



4th & 5th Grade - ALL Divisions Boys & Girls: Mandatory substitution in both the 1st & 2nd quarters. See Mandatory Substitution Rules

6th-8th Grade - All Divisions Boys & Girls: Free substitution entire game


MANDATORY SUBSTITUTIONS Rules - 4th and 5th Grades Only –


To assure all players are being used during the game, the rules will be as follows:

5 players play the first four minutes of the quarter.

The officials will stop the game at the 4-minute mark of that quarter (as game flow dictates).

Teams are then required to substitute 5 new players.

The substitutes must be ready to enter when summoned by the officials. This is not a time out.

If the players are not ready to enter, the officials will assess a delay of game warning and at any subsequent delay of games will be assessed a technical foul.

Players that play the first 4 minutes of the 1st quarter can NOT play in the second 4 minutes of the 1st quarter, but they can play in the first or second four minutes of the 2nd quarter.  Similarly, players that play in the 2nd 4 minutes of the 1st quarter can play in the 1st or 2nd four minutes of the 2nd quarter.

If a team has more than 10 players –The additional players can be substituted during the first 4-minute interval or second 4-minute interval of each quarter, but the substitutes can only play in one 4-minute interval per quarter.

If a player is injured or picks up a 3rd foul in the 1st or 2nd quarter, the coach shall be allowed to substitute with a player who has not played in the quarter or only played 2 minutes or less in that quarter.


*Common courtesy and sportsmanship dictate that everyone plays evenly in the 1st half and a team does not leave its top players in during the 2nd 4-minute interval when you have less than 10 players.


Coaches on Bench

3 Coach limit per team. Head Coach + 2 Assistants. Unfortunately, every parent or coach cannot be on the bench



Regular Season

1 three-minute period, followed by 1 one minute, then tie.

Time Outs - No carryover from Regulation - One time out per team per overtime period. No carry over for 2nd period.


3 min overtimes until winner.

Time Outs - No carryover from Regulation - One time out per team per overtime period. No carry over for additional periods.


Jewelry - Jewelry is prohibited. This includes taped ears to hide earrings.

Religious and medical-alert medals are not considered jewelry. A religious medal must be taped and worn under the uniform. A medical-alert medal must be taped and may be visible


UNIFORMS - At least a T-Shirt (matching all players) with numbers

Home Teams wear Dark Jerseys (per NHFS rules)

*Recommended w/ proper legal basketball numbers on front & back. (Legal Numbers start or end with 0-5)

If undershirts are worn, they must match the predominant color of the jersey, or the offending player(s) may not be permitted to enter the game until they are properly dressed.



Players on the 8th grade team must be in the 8th grade or below.

Players on the 7th grade team must be in the 7th grade or below.

Players on the 6th grade team must be in the 6th grade or below.

Players on the 5th grade team must be in the 5th grade or below.

Players on the 4th grade team must be in the 4th grade or below.

*If a player is questioned as to his/her grade, it is up to the discretion of JBL Director to rule on the players legitimacy, & their decision is final.


ROSTERS & TEAM ELIGIBILITY All Exceptions must be pre-approved by JBL.

Teams must be comprised of players from only one town and players must be town residents or go to school in the town.

For religious teams, the players must be members of that church/synagogue and are not eligible to play for their own town team or any additional organization, if applicable.

Teams that are feeding into the same regional high school would be able to enter a combined team. Both towns’ recreation directors would have to approve this arrangement the JBL

Placement of the team will be at the discretion of the JBL.

AAU or Teams created that bypass town programs are ineligible to play in the JBL without the Advisory Boards approval.

  • Players cannot play for more than 1 town or organization.
  • Players can only be on 1 Roster per grade. Exception – Silver or Bronze Division players can be moved up to play up, to fill a short roster or be rotated to gain experience at the higher level with league approval.
  • Players can be additionally rostered on higher grade teams, as long it is for the same town/organization.
  • If a player is eligible to participate in your town's Recreational Leagues, it does not mean they are eligible to play in the JBL.
  • Any team that is found to have an illegal player on their team will immediately be removed from the league (once verified).

All past and future games will be recorded as forfeits.

If a player does not live in your town or goes to school in your town, they are not eligible to play in your town.

Please contact the JBL of any player that may be of question, in advance of the season. This way we can work through any “illegal player” issues and prevent a situation in which another town is hurt, or a team needs to be disqualified.

*Any exceptions to the above need approval by the JBL. Do not assume it is ok if that player was on your team last season.

PLAYOFFS: Players may play for more than one team from the same town or organization under the following conditions: 

  • If a higher-grade team has 6 or fewer eligible players for the playoffs, they may add up to 3 players from a lower grade team from that same town or organization.
  • Players added must have been on the roster of a lower grade team from that town or organization from the start of the season.



Each team is to pay 1 official a $70 game fee prior to the start of the game. If only one official is present, they will collect both fees.

Teams can pay officials via Venmo if preferred, if the Official has a Venmo account (which will be strongly encouraged).

Failure to pay an official will result in a forfeit with associate fines.


Score Entry

Regular Season - The officials will input scores, not the coach of the winning team.

  • Coaches are to contact the JBL within 48 hours of the game to report any discrepancies or a score not entered. After 48 hours, all scores are final.

Playoffs – Coaches will enter scores



  • Up to 16 qualified teams per division make the playoffs. In divisions with more than 16 teams, the 17th+ seeds will have the option to play a one game consolation “Bonus” matchup vs. the next closest seed.
  • Teams will be moved up a division if they have a significant winning record/dominant play in a lower division.
  • Winless teams will be moved down a division.
  • Teams can be dropped down a level if they do not qualify for the playoffs in their current division, and the lower division has less than 16 teams. This will maximize the teams participating in the playoffs.
  • All teams moving up will get the equivalent of the 9 seed in a 16-team division or 5 seed in an 8-team division.


  1. Total Points (3 points for a win, 2 for a tie, and 1 for a loss) – This system encourages playing all games.
  2. Total Wins
  3. Head-to-Head
  4. Points Allowed

In case of a 3 way or greater tie

  1. Wins among the tied teams vs each other.
  2. Head-to-Head
  3. Points Allowed
  • Teams with less than 12 games played (14 game schedule)  or Teams that have 2 forfeits will be ineligible for the playoff tournament.
  • If a team designated to move up refuses to do so, they will not be eligible for the playoff tournament.


(Please see Codes Of Conduct under the Rules/Policies tab, for the full version)


Ejections from games - Game Officials will report all ejections to the JBL immediately after the game.

1st Offense – If any individual player, coach, timekeeper, scorer, or spectator is ejected from a game, that person will not be allowed to attend or participate in the next 2 games. (if the behavior is egregious as determined by the JBL Disciplinary committee, the suspension maybe longer than 2 games)

2nd Offense – That person(s) will be suspended for the next 5 games. (if the behavior is egregious as determined by the JBL Disciplinary committee, the suspension maybe longer than 5 games)

3rd Offense – Results in that person(s) suspension from the League indefinitely.

  • Head Coaches are responsible for spectators if there is no site manager.
  • Referees have the authority to forfeit the game if Spectators are unruly & Coaches do not control.

All ejections will be reviewed by the JBL Disciplinary Committee. Depending on the severity, additional games may be added.


Positive Coaches Alliance Course - Any Coach or Spectator suspended from a game must take the appropriate PCA course at their own expense or they will not be allowed to attend JBL games until taken



(Technical fouls are one point, ejections are two points. Administrative technical do not count)


The responsibility of the spectators is NOT the officials. It lies with the coach and the club/town coordinator.


GAME CANCELLATION POLICY (please see game cancellation policy, for a full version)

Forfeit system to insure all/most games are played or not cancelled at last minute.

Do not accept a game change from your opponent without league approval.

Town/Organization Directors must approve all change requests.

4/1, 4/2 dates system of recording games to be scheduled. All games need to be rescheduled or forfeits can be issued to the offending party.

  • 4/1 – Could not schedule. Both teams need to find a mutually actable date. Games must be scheduled by Jan 1st.
  • 4/2 – Game cancelled due to weather.

Once the schedule is published, and the grace period has passed, any changes other than weather or school closings will need to be approved by both the Town’s/Organization’s Director and the JBL.


Opposing coaches are not to be called to change games until the change is approved by the JBL.

Unless a change is approved, if a team cannot play at the scheduled time, the result will be a forfeit.

If an approved change is made, if an immediate reschedule date/time is not agreed upon, the game date will be moved to 4/1.

All games must be rescheduled within 2 weeks of the approved cancellation.

If a game is scheduled for 4/1, and it is not rescheduled, both teams can receive a Forfeit unless one of the teams can prove their opponent has refused to reschedule. In this situation the team that refuses or is overly difficult will receive the forfeit.

  • If a team immediately alerts the JBL that their opponent is not accepting any reasonable dates/times to reschedule, then the JBL can assign the forfeit to that team who is not cooperating.
  • Any unapproved cancellation (48 hours or less) or No Show, the Cancelling Team must pay the JBL $140 to reimburse 2 Referees (penalty fees) and will receive a forfeit
  • Any team with less than 12 games played, has 2 forfiets, or has unpaid fees, will be ineligible for the playoffs, unless the JBL reviews it, and allows, due to extenuating circumstances.


Team Snap and other team scheduling apps – The JBL Website has the official Schedule! If a game is on the JBL Website, its official! If the game is not on the website, then we do not know about it or there is an error.




Teams should refrain from postponing games on the schedule for other than weather related reasons or school closings.

Postponed games need to be rescheduled within 2 weeks of the postponement. If the home team cannot secure gym time, the game should be played at the opposite site. A 4/2 date and PPD will be entered for a game cancelled to school closing due to weather.


Games not played are subject to forfeiture after a review by the JBL.


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